Monday, September 12, 2011

Ode to Jane

Jane's stare of death
Jane, Jane, she's good for your heart.
The more you see her, the more you fart.

No seriously.  It gets pretty bad.

Ok, I'm kidding, but in all seriousness, I've decided to do a semi-serious piece tonight and dedicate it to my "sista from another mista," Ms. Jane Wylett Forman (no 'e' in her last name...she's not a Jew).

Jane's life got a little better the day she waltzed into my presence in May 2007.  Little did we both know, that it would be the start of an amazing friendship and a era of total domination of everything AWESOME!

Fast forward four years to today, throw in some laughs, some tears (99% of which were from her), some poop and LOTS of booze and you've got a friendship that's stronger than brotherhood (yeah, Jane's a dude now)...

...and a few funny pics... Enjoy!

Jane and I doing what we do best...wear plastic jewelry.

Jane - Halloween 2009 - Before

Jane After...You get the idea.  Btw, one of my best creations.
Hey Jane, remember that one time you hit on that 7 year old in Pleasure Island?  I agreed not to turn her into the authorities in exchange for a beer.  That was a good beer.

July 4, 2007.  Enough said.

Hey Jane, remember that one time your mom threw the couch over the balcony?  Your mom's the best!  Speaking of your family, I just have to add this.  The first thing her grandmother told me when I met her at EPCOT was, "I'm not a cripple."  So honest, yet wise.  She too is the best!

Ok one more pic and memory.  Hmmmmmm...gotta make them good...

Oh hey, remember that one time I came home from work and you made meatloaf?  I was pretty skeptical at first because that's totally not you, but when you whipped it out of the oven, sure enough...meatloaf!  I inhaled my plate and you told me it was turkeyloaf...turkeyloaf!  Shenanigans.  There's no such thing!  Turkeyloaf is not a dinner entree, it is the think I create after eatint Thanksgiving dinner...(think about you got it).  B.S.

So I originally had a REALLY good pic up (Remember the Cookie Monster Jane?), but I figured I've done enough damage, so I decided to end on a good note.  Here is a pic of the original 3 that started the whole shebang.  

Me, Jane & Sam
Oh and Jane can't dress herself if her life depended on it.  Seriously.  You've seen the pics!  =)

Here's to another 4 more years!  Only 4 because I think I'll be pretty much tired of you by then. about them snapples?!

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