Sunday, September 18, 2011

One Month Until Carlospalooza!

As of today, there is exactly ONE month until my birthday!  So, to make things easy for you, I've provided 10 gift ideas of things that'll make this birthday the best EVER.

10.  Crocodile Mile!!  There's no better way to celebrate a birthday than with bruises and scrapes from a bad outdoor product from the late 80's/early 90's.

9.  Like this kid, I want pink eye so I can stay home from work.

8.  I'd like a recurring role on Family Guy.

7.  I want some of these pointy-toed boots like these Mexicans.

6.  I want a mustache just like the great Sarah Silverman.

5.  A classy poopy hat just like this one.  It'll match my eyes.

4.  This guy.

3.  A roller coaster...any roller coaster.  By the way, this is Kumba.  It is fun.  It is good.  Hint Hint.

2.  A trapper keeper.  Preferably a cool one NOT made by Lisa Frank.

1.  Super 8 on dvd.  Coincidence that it's being released on dvd on my actual birthday?  Uhm, No!  It was meant to be!