Friday, September 9, 2011

Yay! Black outs!

Citizens of the great city of San Diego, California were celebrating by dancing in the streets yesterday afternoon.

Children no longer had to go inside when the street lights turned on.  Women no longer had to clutch their purses so tightly that their fingernails would scratch their knock-off Coach leather purses.  Most importantly, adults no longer had to drive with their car doors locked!  Why is that?

San Diego experienced a sudden black out!  Never, in the history of ever, has an entire race of a particular type of people voluntarily leave a geographical region in such a short amount of time.  Wow...this is unprecedented!

Here's the link to the story!

Wait a minute.

**Reads the actual story and NOT just the headline**

Oh...wait.  Hold the presses. electricity, not people.  My bad.

Continue on your day. about them snapples?  Yes?  No?  Okay...

I swear I'm not a racist.